I found the red envelope when I got home from work at five. I didn:t open it right away. I cleaned my room and when it was good, around midnight, I put on my cassette of Green. It’s playing now. I put the red envelope near me and started to read Bruno Schulz's story called Spring. When he got to the stamp collection, turning the pages and entering worlds, I knew it was time to put the envelope on my bed. I opened it and reached in and pulled out the postcard and an object. My room was very dim, the lighting when my small bedside lamp glows from within a salt crystal that is exposed by black metal that

is cut into the form of petals around a plant. my mom got it for me one year. I held the card near the light and saw the river and said oh my god. I turned it over and read it, and felt the object in my hand. I looked at it and it shined like sea glass in the light. I moved to the chair and turned another light on, the paper lamp above it. I could see everything a lot more clearly. I got up and went into the bathroom where an even brighter light shone. I could see a rising dome and a line around the perimeter of it, the frog’s eye.